The Blavatsky Phamplets

Phamplet 1 - An open letter to the archbishop of Canturbury
Phamplet 2 - The Secret Doctrine on the Problem of Evolution of Sex
Phamplet 3 - The Signs of the Times and Our Cycle and the Next
Phamplet 4 - Pracitcal Occultism and Occultism versus the Occult Arts
Phamplet 5 - An Introduction Study of the Secret Doctrine
Phamplet 6 - A Tibetan Initiate on World Problems
Phamplet 7 - Dreams
Phamplet 8 - A Turkish Effendi on Christendom and Islam
Phamplet 9 - The Secret Doctrine of the Archaic Ages
Phamplet 10 - Karmic Visions