(1847-1931). Edison was probably the most prolific inventor ever. He joined the Theosophical Society (TS) on April 5, 1878. He was interested in psychic matters and experimented with the use of will power on the movement of a pendulum. Edison’s first connection with the TS was through his acquaintance with Henry S. OLCOTT and the following letter from him to Olcott is of considerable historical interest.
- Menlo Park, N.J.
- 7th October 1878My Dear Olcott,
Your favor of the first was duly received. Thanks for the diploma. I have placed it in my honor box, that is a receptacle where I place “rewards of merit.” I should like very much to make an appointment with you, but I am pulled, driven, and banged about to such an extent that I cannot call any time my own. I am working 18 hours out of the 24 and have crowds of scientists, curiosity seekers, etc., calling on me, so that the “leisure” you refer to, is to me a thing of the past, and a faint possibility of knowing something of it again in the future. However I will try and call on you but cannot undertake to appoint a time. I should be pleased to meet Mme B. [BLAVATSKY] before her departure but fear that I will be unable to do so.
- Very truly,
- T. A. Edison

The above letter was published in “THE THEOSOPHIST,” November 1931 issue which also printed Edison’s Pledge which is again reproduced above. Edison died on October 18, 1931.
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