Joy Mills - Audio Archives

Joy Mills (1920-2015) was an educator who served as President of the Theosophical Society in America from 1965–1974, and then as international Vice President for the Theosophical Society based in Adyar, Chennai, India from 1974-1980. She was a very popular international lecturer, and was awarded the Subba Row Medal in 2011 for her contributions to Theosophical literature.
Below are some archives of Joy's talks.
- A View From the Centre
- Alchemy for Modern Minds - Mills,J. Neelakantan,S. Patterson,J. Laurie,G
- Brotherhood - First Steps Towards Transformation
- Burnier, R Mills, J - Questions & Answers
- Crossing Thresholds on the Individual Journey
- In Search of the Timeless
- Interpretation of the Secret Doctrine from 1888 to 1988
- Light on the Path
- Mystic, Yogi, Thosophists
- Prophecies Relevant to the Problems of Today
- Psychis Phenomena and the Spiritual Experience
- Rebirth - the Human Necessity
- Remembering the Future
- The Human Journey, Quest for Self-Transformation
- The Psychology of Happiness
- Transforming Ourselves for One World Consciousness
- The TS Today and Tomorrow
- Tradition of Innovation