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With the Adepts

With the Adepts

This book was originally published anonymously by a "Student of Occultism" in 1887 under the title An Adventure Among the Rosicrucians, yet with a copyright in the name of Franz Hartmann. Helena Blavatsky reviewed it describing it as "A strange and original little story, charmingly fantastic, but full of poetic feeling and, what is more, of deep philosophical and occult truths, for those who can perceive the groundwork it is built upon."

Note: See H.P. Blavatsky comments: "An Adventure Among the Rosicrucians," Collected Writings, Vol 8 p 130.

In 1910, Hartman republished the story titled With the Adepts along with new additions, as well as omissions. In his preface, he mentioned that it "has been gathered from notes handed to me by a friend, a writer of considerable repute. Helena Blavatsky reviewed it, describing it as" "A strange and original little story, charmingly fantastic, but full of poetic feeling and, what is more, of deep philosophical and occult truths, for those who can perceive the ground work it is built upon."

It has been republished again as "Land of the Gods by H.P. Blavatsky" in 2022, who claimed this printing was the original and that it was written by H. P. Blavatsky, who gave it to Franz Hartmann to publish it anonymously.

It is a very interesting read for any serious student.

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