The Initiate in the New World - Cyril Scott

Written as a sequel to The Initiate, the Pupil, as Scott called himself, reconnects with his master, Justin Moreward Haig, after not seeing him for many years. Scott is invited to leave London to stay in Boston, where Justin Moreward Haig is teaching about thirty other students. As in The Initiate, Scott related his experiences as if he were keeping a diary, so that this second book is also a teaching story. For example, the master discusses concentration, meditation, and contemplating, telling the Pupil, let people meditate often but only for short periods of time. It is better to meditate, say, ten times a day for a few moments or even less, than a whole hour in succession. Or, With regard to purity-what we mean by the word is not prudery but the exact opposite. Purity is the power to see the beautiful in all things and all functions of life, and to glorify all actions by the spirit of unselfishness. As the story unfolds, you will find yourself in the presence of a great teach, who shows you how to attain spiritual consciousness while living an ordinary life.
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