The Maha Chohan's Letter - with commentary by C. Jinarajadasa

This is certainly the most important Letter ever received from the Adept Teachers, as it is a communication from the Maha Chohan (" to whose insight the future lies like an open page " —K. H., Letter 16, Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, First Series), one of the three great Adepts who form the " Triangle " of the Great Hierarchy. As the introductory note from the Master K.H. to Mr. Sinnett says, the communication is not a letter written by the Maha Chohan Himself, but the report of an interview. To understand its full significance, we must enter into the Theosophical situation in India in 1881.
Curuppumullage Jinarajadasa was an author, occultist, freemason and theosophist. The fourth president of the Theosophical Society.