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Theosophical writer noted for his consolidation of scattered data relating to the subtle bodies and the solar system in the light of theosophy. His books on theosophical subjects are valuable references which have remained in print for over sixty years. The sources are largely confined to the works of Annie Besant and Charles W. Leadbeater.

Ebook - The Etheric Double by A. E. Powell

The Etheric Double was first publised in 1925 as one of a series by the same author dealing with the inner structure of Man.

Ebook - The Astral Body and Other Astral Phenomena by A. E. Powell

The purpose of this book is to present to the student of Theosophy a condensed synthesis of the information at present available concerning the Astral Body of man, together with a description and explanation of the astral world and its phenomena.  The book is a natural sequel of The Etheric Double and Allied Phenomomea published in 1925.

Ebook - The Mental Body by A. E. Powell

This book, the third in the author's series of compliations from outstanding theosophical literature about the subtle vehicles of man, deals with the structure of the mental body and its functions, thought waves, thought transference, meditation, comtemplation, sleep-life, heaven worlds, and other most interesting aspects of the subject.


Ebook - The Causal Body and the Ego by A. E. Powell

A challenging summary of three dozen Theosophical texts published from 1897 to 1926 on the higher energy bodies and planes: the causal, buddhic, and nirvanic. The ego in the title refers to our higher self. The book help explain these complex topics in a way the reader can comprehend.


Ebook - The Solar System by A.E. Powell

The Solar System offers a comprehensive picture of the streams of life, passing from stage to stage of development, to the level of humanity ans beyond. This valuable work is the last of a series of books that present a coherent and sequential account of the finer bodies of Man and his role in the Scheme of Evolution.

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