
Theosophical Center (San Rafael, Argentina)

The Theosophical Center in San Rafael–Mendoza, devoted to studies, courses, and conferences, was established in 1980. Originally the land was bought as a camp site for young Theosophists, but when the first groups of trees were planted, donations started to arrive, and the possibility of having a Center emerged. After the purchase of 3.5 hectares in 1980, 7 hectares more were added. At first, it had only three trees and an old vineyard, which was completely dry; now it has about two thousand trees of different varieties. The Center is ten-minutes drive away from San Rafael city, in Mendoza, near the Andes Mountains. There are direct road and flight connections with Mendoza Capital City, Buenos Aires, and all the other big cities in Argentina. San Rafael city receives water from melted snow through two main rivers, Atuel and Diamante. Both of them provide beautiful spots especially for adventure tourists and nature lovers, winding down through mountains. Tracking, rafting, kayaking, abseiling, and other sports are done here.

A satellite photo of the Theosophical Center in San Rafael, Argentina. It is designed to have five buildings forming a star.
A satellite photo of the Theosophical Center in San Rafael, Argentina. 

The building plan was made by the civil engineer Juan Carlos Palmeri, who at that time was General Secretary in Argentina. Though many members have made this construction possible, in 1980 Ernesto García started managing resources, and with help by his family and hard work, it became a dream come true. He was the first director of this Theosophical Center and continues in that position. Since 1980 Theosophical activities in Argentina have also been encouraged by guest speakers from abroad: Radha Burnier visited it three times, and also Seetha Neelakantan, Betsan Coats, Ianthe Hoskins, P. Krishna, John Algeo, Nelda Samarel, Pedro and Linda Oliveira, Ricardo Lindemann, and Vicente Hao Chin Jr.

At present the projected five-wing star-shaped building has four wings finished. They include twenty-four dormitory rooms with bathrooms, dining room, lecture room, library, book-shop, and a silence and meditation room. Summer and Winter Schools of the Argentine Section are held here. The programs are attended mainly by Theosophists and other spiritual seekers from Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru and Brazil.

Maria Rosa Martinez Garcia

See also: Argentina, Theosophy in External links: www.sociedad-teosofica.com.ar