
Bāsu, Upendranath


Upendranath Basu
  Upendranath Basu

(1864[2]-?). A Hindu theosophist who, together with Bertram KEITHLEY, became the first General Secretary of the Indian Section. Bāsu was born in Kolnagar in Bengal; he graduated with degrees in Arts and Law from Calcutta University. After graduating he practiced law at Benares (now Varanasi). Bāsu joined the TS in 1884 and his name is mentioned in the first report of the Kāshī Tattva Sabhā Lodge in Banares where he was one of the founders with Bhagavan DAS as Librarian.

Eventually Bāsu relinquished his law practice and devoted himself to working for the Indian Section. He accompanied Annie BESANT on many of her Indian tours and when the headquarters of the Indian Section was established at Benares he became joint General Secretary with Bertram Keightley. Due to Keightley’s frequent absences from India most of the responsibilities of General Secretary fell on B€su and he continued in that capacity until ill-health forced his resignation in 1908.

Bāsu was one of the seven Founders of the Central Hindu College and held from its commencement the offices of Vice-President of the Board of Trustees and Vice-Chairman of the Managing Committee.




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