Living Truth; The Future of the Theosophical Society by Radha Burnier

HPB belonged to the race of prophets and seers far ahead of their time, who speak a language that is fully intelligible only to the ear of intuition. In writing about the future of the Society in The Key to Theosophy she spelt out what qualities members must possess to lead the Society in the right direction after the death of the Founders. Selflessness, earnestness, devotion and knowledge, which she mentions, are familiar words, whose meaning is not hard to understand, although practice is far from easy. Wisdom which is on the list, has a subtler and deeper connotation which vitality, is a term carrying a depth of meaning, positing a requirement, the fulfilment of which demands of us application of all our mental, intuitive and perhaps even atmic powers. Let us consider briefly these qualities needed to prevent our Society from decaying into a lifeless shell, making use of HPB's own statements, to understand.
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