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Our Resources

Below is a list of resource categories available on Theosophy.World

Featured Course

Current Featured Course on Theosophy with several vidios and course notes.

Featured Video

Unfolding Consciousness: Exploring the Living Universe | Dr. Edi Bilimoria

Dr. Edi Bilimoria was born in India and educated at the universities of London, Sussex, and Oxford. He presents an unusual blend of experience in the fields of science, arts, and philosophy. A student of the perennial philosophy for over half a century.  

Unfolding Consciousness: Exploring the Living Universe

Unfolding Consciousness is a four-volume work that has been two decades in the making, much of this time during the most turbulent period in modern world history. It represents the fruits of over half a century of exploration and research in science and the perennial philosophy. During this informative lecture, Dr. Edi Bilimoria will present topics from this volume with the goals:

1.To point towards a deeper understanding of humans’ spiritual anatomy and physiology.

2 To show how such insights into these subtle aspects provide an understanding of the principles of the universe and nature because, as the legendary philosophers declared, “Man is the Measure of All Things.”

3.To show that humans and the universe, down to the minutest particle of matter, care imbued with consciousness, goal-orientated evolution, and purpose. 


The Theosopical Encyclopedia



The on-line and updated version of the Theosophical Encyclopedia

The Theosophical Encyclopedia is the work of many contributors bringing together a rich source of theosophical understanding of concepts, terms, definition, contributing personalities, religions and philosophies of the world.


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Featured Study Course

Below are the current featued course.

Theosophy in 21st Century

What is the meaning of Life and the Universe? Theosophy is the essential knowledge about Life that has been expressed by remarkable people in different times and cultures. Helena Blavatsky rediscovered this perennial tradition at the end of the 19th century and since then many thinkers have made their own contributions and modern science corroborates and expands this vision.

This course of 12 sessions is aimed at those who want to systematically enter into the study and research of Theosophy, seeing its sources, its reflection in modern knowledge, discrepancies with common ideas, and especially the potential of Theosophy to transform our practical life and improve the world.