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With the Adepts

This book was originally published anonymously by a "Student of Occultism" in 1887 under the title An Adventure Among the Rosicrucians, yet with a copyright in the name of Franz Hartmann. Helena Blavatsky reviewed it describing it as "A strange and original little story, charmingly fantastic, but full of poetic feeling and, what is more, of deep philosophical and occult truths, for those who…


This is a verbatim reprints of Hartmann's biography of Paracelsus. It includes a broad yet detailed survey of his teachings on a wide range of subjects, including Cosmology, Anthropology, Pneumatology, Medicine, Magic, Alchemy, Astrology, Philosophy and Theosophy or Occultism.


This inspiring book has been recommended to others for decades and has become a classic in the field of magic, metaphysics and spirituality. The title is misleading because there is much more covered that goes far beyond magic. Subjects include Spiritual Law in the Natural World, Consciousness, The Spiritual Body, Karma, Transformations, Meditation, Alchemy, Magicians and Mediums, Theosophy,…

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