The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda

In these volumes we have not only a gospel to the world at large, but also, to its own children, the Charter of the Hindu faith. For the first time in history, Hinduism itself forms here the subject of generalization of a Hindu mind of the highest order. What Hinduism had needed was the organizing and consolidating of its own idea, a rock where she could lie at anchor, and an authoritative utterance in which she might recognise herself. What the world had needed was a faith that had no fear of truth. Both are found in the words and writings of Swami Vivekananda. It is the latest gospel of a modern Prophet of religion and spirituality to the mankind.
Volume 1
Addresses at The Parliament of Religions
Lectures and Discourses
Volume 2
Work and its Secret
The Powers of the Mind
Hints on Practical Spirituality
Bhakti or Devotion
Practical Vedanta and other lectures
Reports in American Newspapers
Volume 3
Lectures and Discourses
Para-Bhakti or Supreme Devotion
Lectures from Colombo to Almora
Reports in American Newspapers
Buddhistic India
Volume 4
Addresses on Bhakti-Yoga
Lectures and Discourses
Writings: Prose
Writings: Poems
Translations: Prose
Translations: Poems
Volume 5
Epistles - First Series
Notes from Lectures and Discourses
Questions and Answers
Conversations and Dialogues
Sayings and Utterances
Writings: Prose and Poems
Volume 6
Lectures and Discourses
Notes of Class Talks and Lectures
Writings: Prose and Poems - Original and Translated
Epistles - Second Series
Conversations and Dialogues
Volume 7
Inspired Talks
Conversations and Dialogues
Translation of Writings
Notes of Class Talks and Lectures
Epistles - Third Series
Volume 8
Lectures and Discourses
Writings: Prose and Poems
Notes of Class Talks and Lectures
Sayings and Utterances
Epistles - Fourth Series
Volume 9
Letters - Fifth Series
Lectures and Discourses
Notes of Lectures and Classes
Writings: Prose and Poems(Original and Translated)
Conversations and Interviews
Excerpts from Sister Nivedita's Book
Sayings and Utterances
Newspaper Reports
I Your Highness
II Your Highness
Unpublished/III New York Times May 2, 1894