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"Men fear death," said Lord Bacon, "as children fear the dark." We regard death with fear and repulsion because it breaks the continuity in our lives. Yet if we consider it simply and quietly, is it not actually a phenomenon which is as natural as birth? It is taking place all the lime around us. The leaves fall from the trees and fresh leaves spring in their places.…

Jack Patterson

Jack Patterson was a prominent member of the Theosophical Society in New Zealand having joined from a young age he was involved in the Young Theosophists of the day.  During his life, he became the General Secretary of both the Australian and the New Zealand Section.  Jack was a deep explorer of Theosophy and shared his understanding through many presentations.…

Jack Patterson

Jack Patterson was a prominent member of the Theosophical Society in New Zealand having joined from a young age he was involved in the Young Theosophists of the day.  During his life, he became the General Secretary of both the Australian and the New Zealand Section.  Jack was a deep explorer of Theosophy and shared his understanding through many presentations.

Meeting Death as a Friend

One of the most famous Dialogues of Plato, which has attracted more attention than any other, is that in which he depicts the death of Socrates. There were a few friends present during the day, the evening of which saw his passing, and this Dialogue takes the form of a conversation which took place on that last day.

Through the Gateway of Death

This book discuss views on what happned at the moment of death and the diferent states of consciousness we find ourselves afterwards. It covers the astral plane and life in that condition and Devachan, Astral Shells, some wonderful poems on death and much more.

This is an information book that references H.P. Blavatsky, A. Besant, C. W. Leadbeater amongst others.



This is a comprehensive study of what happens to a person during and after death. It reviews the different states of Kama-Loka (Astral Plane), Devachan, the struggle between the higher and lower principles, The 2nd Death, Gestation Period, Shells, Shades, premature death and many more interesting topics.

Ebook - There Is No Death by Clara Codd

A COMFORTING IN TRUTH One of the most wonderful and comforting truths which the Ancient Wisdom brings to us is the fact there is in reality no death anywhere in the Universe. Nothing ever ceases to exist, it but changes its state. In the words of the poet Longfellow: "There is no death, What seems so is transition"

Poems on Death and Dying

After the loss of a loved one, we may feel like expressing in words our thoughts on the transition to a new state of awareness. Whether it is to family members or something that we may wish to read out at a funeral, there is not a lot of poetry with a theosophical flavour in which our expressions can be truly represented.

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