
Holloway-Langford, Laura C.

(1848-1930). An American theosophist and widow who was said to be a pupil (chela) of the Master Koot Hoomi. Little is known about her background, but she was a friend of both Helena P. Blavatsky and Henry S. OLCOTT and stayed with the former in London. According to William Q. JUDGE, when Blavatsky heard that Holloway-Langford had joined the Theosophical Society (TS) and was well-known to be psychic said, “Oh my God, if I shall only find in her a successor, how gladly will I peg out” (The Theosophist, Nov. 1931, pp. 201-2).

Holloway-Langford, together with Mohini M. Chatterji, wrote Man: Fragments of a Forgotten History, possibly at the home of the Arundales. It appears that Blavatsky was opposed to their collaboration (videletter from Blavatsky to W. Q. Judge, January 27, 1887 and to H. S. Olcott, July 14, 1886).

The “widow” in Alfred P. Sinnett’s novel Karma, was said to be modelled on Holloway-Langford and she became friendly with many of the prominent theosophists of the day, including George ARUNDALE and Alfred P. SINNETT.


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