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David Reigle

Theosophy is the modern name given by H. P. Blavatsky to what is described by her as the once universal but now hidden Wisdom-Religion, the parent source of all known religions.


Some theosophical students have written that true Theosophy does not have core teachings or doctrine

Is this Theosophy

Ernest Wood

Ernest Wood was an English educator, writer, lecturer, and Sanskrit scholar who was active in the Theosophical Society based in Adyar, Chennai, India. Dr. Wood was very active in the Society for the Promotion of National Education that was established in 1916 by Annie Besant and others.

Theosophy - R Steiner

An Introduction to the Spiritual Processes in Human Life and in the Cosmos.

Read the PDF version:  Theosophy - R Steiner

Jack Patterson

Jack Patterson was a prominent member of the Theosophical Society in New Zealand having joined from a young age he was involved in the Young Theosophists of the day.  During his life, he became the General Secretary of both the Australian and the New Zealand Section.  Jack was a deep explorer of Theosophy and shared his understanding through many presentations.

Sri Ram

A short talk given by the past International President of the Theosophical Society.


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What is Theosophy
THIS question has been so often asked, and misconception so widely prevails, that the editors of a journal devoted to an exposition of the world's Theosophy would be remiss were its first number issued without coming to a full understanding with their readers.
Is Theosophy A Religion? By John Algeo
The title question of these ruminations might seem to be pointless—a query to which the answer is obvious and well known. After all, the very first question and answer in H.P. Blavatsky´s handbook, The Key to Theosophy (p.1), go like this:
ENQUIRER. Theosophy and its doctrines are often referred to as a newfangled religion. Is it a…
Mainstreaming Theosophy by Vic Hao Chin

The Theosophical Society has been around for 139 years. But its growth as an organisation has been relatively stagnant in the past more than half a century. Its membership has been declining since 1928 when it had a peak membership of 45,000, down to about 26,000 today. Since 1928, world population has increased three and a half times.

Vic Hao Chin

Mainstreaming Theosophy -- Vicente Hao Chin Jr.

A talk by Vicente Hao Chin Jr. at the Theosophical Society in America, Wheaton, Illinois, U.S.A. on approaches on making theosophy become part of mainstream thought and be part of the spiritual influence on society and the world.

Theosophy magazine archives


A Magazine Devoted to the Theosophical Movement, the Brotherhood of Humanity, the Study of Occult Science and Philosophy and Aryan Literature. Published by W.Q. Judge's disciples after his death. Most of whom followed Katherine A. Tingley.


Audio of Ever New Theosophy by Radha Burnier

Radha Burnier (née Radha Sri Ram) (November 15, 1923 – October 31, 2013) was the seventh international president of the Theosophical Society (A

Podcast - Theosophy, What It Really Is by N sri Ram

A talk given by N. Sri Ram, former International President of the Theosophical Society.  The talk was given in Auckland, New Zealand.

Listen to the talk:  Theosophy - What it Really Is

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