

A high Adept who was the superior of the Mahātmas KOOT HOOMI and MORYA, and who helped oversee the developments of the early Theosophical Society (TS). He is described as one “to whose insight the future lies like an open page.” A letter from him about the Theosophical Society, known as the Mah€chohan’s Letter, is considered to be one of the most important documents that outlined the mission of the Theosophical Society, stating that “the Theosophical Society was chosen as the corner stone, the foundation of the future religion of humanity.”

On many occasions, the Mahā-chohan intervened in the events connected with the Theosophical Society. For example, he requested the postponement of an election in the London Lodge, and it was his desire that Mrs. Anna KINGSFORD continue as President of the London Lodge.

Apparently, the work of Mahātma K. H. and M. for the Theosophical Society was done under certain restrictions from the Mahā-chohan, such that in a number of cases, the two adepts had to ask permission from the Mah€-chohan to do certain things, such as to restore paranormally an important damaged letter chewed by a goat, or to accept certain aspirants as chelas. He was also consulted on the details of such matters as the financial arrangements for the launching of the new newspaper, The Phoenix, to be edited by Alfred P. SINNETT. The Mah€tma K. H. mentions that they cannot “force events” without the Mahā-chohan’s permission as it would be in violation of the laws of the Adept brotherhood.

The Mahā-chohan also has his own chelas, two (Deva Muni and Paramahaˆsa Shub-Tung) of whom were among those who signed a letter of protest against an article by Allan O. Hume.

In the Mahatma Letters, the terms Shaberon and Khobilgan are sometimes used to refer to the Mahā-chohan. In later theosophical writings, he said to be of equal rank with a Manu (in charge of the physical development of each Root-race) and a Bodhisattva (in charge of the spiritual development of each Root-race).



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